Thursday, March 10, 2011

One Snowy Morning

Here is a snowy morning update on the sheep at Grace Valley Farms ...

During cold, snowy nights we allow our flock of sheep to come into part of the barn, if they so choose. They have sheds filled with straw to sleep in outside, but many prefer to come in the barn.

Caramel decided to sleep in the barn during the night. She stayed nice and dry while it was snowing.

Our barn is divided into several pens. This large pen is for the mothers who've already had their lambs. Ewes with older lambs occupy this pen until the babies are old enough to go out to pasture. Here, they stay dry and sheltered from the winter weather outside. 

Heather has been a very good mother to her lamb. She and her baby, Everett, will live in the barn until they are ready to rejoin the flock.

Ezekiel, one of Rachel's twins,  chews on a mouthful of hay.

Elise and Ephraim

The ewes with younger lambs are living in another pen in the barn. They too stayed dry from the snow that fell overnight.

Corinna, Carrie, Carmen, and Bluebell (background) eat their morning grain. 

Meanwhile, their lambs (Enoch, Elsie, Easton, and Elizabeth) nibble on hay.


Foreman and Edison, our rams, live outside the barn. Even though they have a shed to sleep in, they spend much of their time outside in the snow. Here they are waiting for their morning hay.

Foreman peeks through the snow-covered gate.

The rest of the flock (those who have not had their lambs yet) will go out to pasture. Even with the snow on the ground, they will still be able to find plenty to eat. In this photo, Benjamin and Rocket (our Border Collie dog) guide the flock out to pasture.

Bullet and Rocket (our sheep dogs) watch the sheep meander out to their grazing grounds.

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